Wednesday, May 17, 2023

A Spiritual Encounter with My cat Sophie

On a lazy afternoon, I decided to delve into the mystical world of my feline companion, Sophie. With my mind in a meditative state, I approached her energy body to connect with her higher self. To my surprise, Sophie revealed her impressive array of virtues and qualities – confidence, self-assurance, authenticity, and self-reliance, to name a few. I asked her where she goes when she sleeps. She agreed to show me after a few requests. Sophie took me to another dimension, a world teeming with cats of every breed, size, color, and quality imaginable. The felines were busy meowing, running, flying, walking, and sliding on rainbow-colored galactic pathways, chasing after butterflies made of light while sporting gowns and crowns that changed colors at their whim. I was sure that I was travelling into another dimension and then Sophie, with her fur glowing in different hues, walked with a princessly gait as she led me to a magnificent gate with her name ‘SOPHIE’ inscribed on it. She said, “if you open this gate, you would enter another dimension where you will meet all the cats who have similar qualities, psychic abilities, physical and spiritual features just like me. “ “But I am interested only in you. Why would I want to enter such another dimension? You and this cat dimension are enough for me as if now.” She said, “Yeah, you are right. It may exhaust your tiny human brain.” Such audacity is acceptable only if coming from a cat. “So every cat can have its own dimension ?” Sophie said, “Everything you can think of is possible. “ “So there are trillions and trillions of dimensions! I would give it a pass then.” I looked at Sophie, who was just enjoying her own higher self, her state full of limitless colours, vibrancy, lights, abilities in its full spectrum. I asked her, “ Don't you ever think who are you, who created you in these different dimensions, where you exist?” She looked puzzled at my question, then she said, “ I guess I want to know, but I am satisfied being who I am.” “Are you aware that every being in the universe evolves and makes progress. If you want, can you remember your own progress?” Sophie looked thoughtful now and closed her eyes as if remembering many of her own past lives. She opened her eyes and said, “I could remember many of my past lives. I could see myself evolving from one species to another species. It is mesmerising to see that I am not only a cat but a consciousness which has been evolving in different forms and perhaps I am still evolving.” “Would you like to know your own pure essence beyond being a cat or any other form?” “Yes!” Her eyes shined. Then she again closed her eyes and took a long breath. To my surprise, I saw a young yogi, descending down from the galaxies clad in white clothes coming towards us as Sophie was still in a meditative state, he put her hand on Sophie‘s head, and then looked at me and smiled. He said to Sophie, “There is every possibility you can get self-realisation “ I could not help myself and interrupted. “But they say that animals cannot get enlightened.” The young Yogi smiled. “It is not true. Even a tree can get enlightenment by the grace of an enlightened guru or whenever anyone decides to turn inwards and becomes one with the eternal light that resides within. When form merges into formless, an animal seizes to exist, a tree seizes to exist, a human being ceases to exist. Then only the truth remains- that is enlightenment and human beings do not have a copyright on it.” Something shook in me and I came back to my three-dimensional reality instantly. I opened my eyes and saw Sophie sitting beneath my laptop table with her closed eyes, in her deep Samadhi state. The great nature writer Henry Beston wrote in 1928 as he contemplated the synergy of animals with the universe said, “We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear." According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha's horse, named Kanthaka, achieved enlightenment after the Buddha's death. It is said that Kanthaka was so devoted to the Buddha that he died of grief after his passing and was reborn as a human in a future life. Also the story of Hachiko is a well-known and beloved tale in Japan of early 20th century. Hachiko was a Japanese Akita dog who became famous for his loyalty to his owner and his daily routine of waiting for him at the train station, even after his owner had died. Many people believe that Hachiko achieved a level of spiritual enlightenment through his unconditional love and devotion. Seeking is a cosmic breath in every being; without the faculty of self-reflection, self-inquiry and self-knowing, it remains beautifully covered with self-ignorance but sometimes by a rub with a profound experience it can be awakened.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Everyone is a seeker

A dolphin in the ocean, a raven on the tall tree, a child sitting on the doorstep, a mother struggling with life, a father coping with the harshness of this planet, a Sadhu sitting in a cave, a doctor performing a surgery, a soldier marching on the ground, a player honing his skills-all of them breathing at the same time. All of them are searching either for survival or happiness or contentment or the truth. Seeking for something more- is that one thread that connects us all. Research for self discovery is a journey that can take us down many different parts, some of which may ultimately proved to be dead ends. We become consumed with the pursuit of external validation and lose sight of our own true selves. Yet human beings are pretty intelligent creatures. You may find references of people who gave up on the world and turned to the journey of self-discovery. But you may hardly find references of people who gave up on the journey of self-realization and started pursuing the word again. Perhaps once you have glimpsed the vastness of inner landscapes and green Meadows of truth, you may lose interest in pebbles and suffocating streets of illusion. It seems inconceivable-that everything we know, everything we love, every thing that even was and will be, failed to provide us unshakeable peace and unwavering happiness. Down here on earth, the way we have evolved from being various species, managing billions of thoughts and ignoring our own ungratefulness for our miraculous brains- our capacity for seeking arises. Seeking must have fallen on an ancient atom when it was separated from its source. The seeking of atoms swirled, flowed outside and molecules. The molecule could not handle the sharp seeking and burst into liquids, gases or solids. The pain of separation and the quest for returning home must have created our entire universe. Our seeking is evident, eternal, omnipotent , omnipresent and infinitely powerful. hindi translation

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The World of Now ( a message from Veronica)

"The reality earth plane on which you currently exist is a result of the energy of your participation. In the time line each generation has left an imprint of positive + negative that has tipped quite vigorously into the negative. This is a result of being unconsciously without the influence of the soul. Most will reply to this vehemently that they have participated religiously within the parameters of their linear consciousness... the spiritual influences being regulated by a confined perspective that places all spiritual power + creation to an outside source.

Our position is that by bringing the soulful energy into the person [it] can alter the imbalance that is occurring. Generations of incarnated souls have been aligned to place the power of thought outside of themselves. The idea of a god being the omnipotent energy that decides the path of the physical beings that worship him. Now that the planet's energy is dangerously askew we implore all souls incarnate to bring that omnipotent energy where it belongs, to the internal thought process by which all of you create reality (i.e. free will). Your current linear is salvageable, however, the declaration of concentrated thought must be reclaimed so that the balance of energy can be regained. Free will is the claiming of the thought process that saves... so to speak... everything. Do not feel the linear influence - "Oh I am but one." All of you come from unique entity sources designed to bring a balance of perspective to your linear creation. Participate energetically. Your connection to others may + will influence the mass consciousness creation that has gone awry. Seize each day and bring your energy to it. It will make a difference. Think. Be persistent. Be linear while expressing your eternal soul. It is why you are here. Become the energy of your soul and all will be well. What if you were the one soul needed to tip the balance to the more positive participation? --VERONICA

Inner Whispers

A Message From VERONICA

The Oasis of Your Soul

"Traveling through the physical environment there are many twists and turns that can lead to many destinations. Intersections with others can lead one to moments where one feels lost and desolate, a rather desert of reality.

In times of lack the only recourse is to return to the energy of who you are, which is the soul.

Within this infinite energy the elixir of life resides... its nurturing moment providing an opportunity to replenish that which seems to be taken from you.

Feel the cooling properties that quench the thirst for peace. A tranquil breath of fresh air that can only be inhaled by the soul.

All of it can translate to your physical reality if you let it.

We caution that immediate relief may take some time as it trickles back to you. However, never doubt that the oasis of the soul in a desert environment is never far off. It is a real moment not a mirage. Believe in the solid energy as it releases all the discomfort.

It is your choice so make it.

The oasis is inviting and it is real.

Decide to be there or not. A moment of respite before returning is well needed. The journey can indeed be treacherous, but if one resides soulfully in the oasis the journey can be easier."

यामा एक ऐसी जगह पर जाना चाहती है जहा से संसार का सारा नजारा दिख सके! जैसे पहाड़ी पे जाकर सारा शहर दीखता है। पर ऐसी जगह है कहाँ? संसार में तो हो नहीं सकती। फिर कहाँ?
यामा को ऐसी जगह के सपने आते हैं जिसका न कोई पता है न ठिकाना और तो और इस जगह का कोई आकार भी नहीं। पर ये जगह यामा को खींचती है अपनी और।
जाने क्यूँ ऐसा लगता है की ये दुनिया सिर्फ एक मीटिंग प्लेस है या सर्कस। अजीब अजीब से तमाशे है रोज रोज। अजीब अजीब सी भाषाएँ और अजीब अजीब से मसले!
यामा को कोई परवाह नहीं! हाँ कभी हंसी आती है तो कभी हैरानी होती है।
पर उसे क्या? उसे तो बस उस अनजान ठौर की और जाना है जो उसे हर पल पुकारता है। जैसे वो वही से आई है और उसे वही खो जाना है।
उसकी दीवानगी उम्र के साथ बढ़ रही है। वो हर कंकर को सुनना चाहती है और हर हवा से पूछना चाहती है। पर शब्द नहीं उसके पास...
पूछेगी भी तो क्या? कभी लगता है की उसे पूछने की जरुरत ही क्या है वो अच्छी तरह जानती है..या शायद जानती थी कभी..बस जरा रास्ता भूल गयी है..पर इरादा पक्का है॥
जैसे दीवानगी की हद पार हो जाती है कभी-२...
कभी उस anjaan जगह की दीवानगी में बेमतलब मुस्कुराये जाती है तो कभी बिलख-बिलख के रो पड़ती है। अपने आस पास के लोग जो उसके अंतर्मन में क्या चलता है उससे कोई तालूक नहीं रखते, उन्हें देख के मुस्कुराती है। उनकी बाते उसके लिए बेमानी है। पर हर पल जैसे दुनिया के ढर्रो पर चल के खुद को इस आग में जलती है। शायद उसे अपना आप मिल जाए..शायद वो चिंगारी कही सुलगती हुई उसके पैर पे पड़े और वो ख़ुशी से नाच उठे।
दुनिया के भीड़ में चलती है, भोले, चालक, प्यारे, मासूम चेहरे देख कर मुस्कुराती है..ऑंखें बंद करके एक गहरी सांस खुद में खींचती है..शायद इस सांस में वो मिल जाए जो सदियों पहले पीछे छूट चूका है।
ये आकर्षण है यअ गहरा प्यार, कोई पुराना सम्बन्ध या कोई assignment जो उसे पूरा करना है! वो खुद नहीं जानती पर शायद कुछ ज्यादा ही अच्छी तरह से जी रही है इस अजनबी एहसास को...हर पल..हर लम्हा...सोते...जागते...बस एक ही ख्याल जिसको वो कभी एक शब्द का रूप तक न दे पाई...
दुनिया का हर शब्द छोटा और बेमानी लगता है उसे...कहे भी तो क्या कहे? क्या नाम दे....
चलओ..समय आयेगा जरूर और वो समय का इन्तेजार करना चाहती है॥
यामा बगावती हो रही है...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Woman Carries another Soul within

A woman is a mystery and trying to understand her is futile.woman not in his capacity as a man, but as a consciousness, an awareness.
To find her true potential, a woman should search within her own soul and rebel against any repression. Unless you have a rebellious soul, you are not alive in the true sense of the word.
A woman should not imitate man: Rejoice in her feminine qualities, make a poetry out of them. The perfect state of being is a synthesis between the head and the heart, with the heart remaining the master.“It is the long condemnation of feminine qualities that has gone deep into the blood and the bones of women. It is man’s conspiracy to prove himself superior to women — which he is not.And to prove that the woman is weak, he has to condemn all the feminine qualities. He has to say that they are all weak, and all those qualities together make the woman weak. In fact, the woman has all the great qualities in her. And whenever a man becomes awakened, he attains to the same qualities which he has been condemning in women. The qualities that are thought to be weak are all the feminine qualities. And it is a strange fact that all the great qualities come into that category. What is left are only the brutal qualities, animal qualities.Love, trust, beauty, sincerity, truthfulness, authenticity — these are all feminine qualities, and they are far greater than any qualities that man has. But the whole past has been dominated by man and his qualities”.
“To acquire some feminine qualities.... And just see, all qualities are feminine: love, compassion, sympathy, service, sharing — all qualities are feminine. Even if a man wants to function at the highest peak of his intelligence, he will have to be guided by his heart”.All above ; She creates another life in her womb. Who can be more artistic and creative than her....its a woman only who carries another soul within her when she gets pregnant...

Let Science Become More Creative

Let Science Become More Creative
Human being has been trying experiments since a long timeHe has tried religion and it has failed.He has tried politics and it has failed.Now we have to try science. Give it a chance, because in three hundred years it has made more progress than man has made in his whole history of hundreds of thousands of years.
Science has grown to such complexity that it is not possible for individual scientists to work on their own. They need immense support from politicians. Their research projects are so expensive that only governments of very rich nations can afford them. So the scientist unknowingly has fallen a victim in the hands of the politicians.
Now he works as a servant to nationalism, to communism, to fascism, to capitalism — he is no more an independent seeker, he is part of a certain political ideology. He works and discovers but he has no control over his own discoveries. The control is in the hands of the politicians. They decide in which direction he should work; otherwise they will not financially support his project.This can be changed only if two things are added to science: one is that it should not only be an objective search, it should also open the subjective doors of consciousness. The scientist should not go on working only on objects — he has to work upon the scientist himself.
Up to now he has been denying his own consciousness. It is such an absurd attitude, so illogical and so unscientific, that it brings scientists closer to the superstitious, so-called religions. They believe blindly in a God they know nothing about, and the scientist goes on disbelieving in himself. The superstition is enormous, unbelievable. If there is nobody inside you, if there is no consciousness in you, then who is going to discover the mysteries and secrets of matter, nature, and life? Up to this point, science has been behaving in an old superstitious way. It has been imitating religion.
Unless science opens up the dimension of one’s own interiority, it will not become a total subject, a whole subject; it will remain partial, its viewpoint will remain only half of the truth.
Science will become of tremendous importance if it adds subjectivity, if it adds methods of meditation to the methods of concentration.
The methods of concentration take you out, they are extrovert. Science requires a mind which has the capacity to concentrate. Meditation requires the capacity to go beyond mind, to go into silence, to be absolutely a pure nothingness.
Unless science accepts meditation as a valid method of inquiry, it will remain a half-hearted search; and because of its half-heartedness, it is dangerous. It can easily serve the purposes of death — because it does not believe in consciousness, it believes in dead matter. So it does not matter whether Nagasaki happens or Hiroshima happens, or even if the whole globe commits suicide. It doesn’t matter, because all is matter — there is no consciousness. Nothing is lost.
The scientist will revolt against the politicians only when the dimension of meditation is added in his research, to his work.
Secondly, the scientist has to remember now that he is providing the politicians with self-destructive nuclear weapons. He is behaving against humanity, he is behaving against the new man, the new humanity. He is behaving against his own children. He is sowing seeds of death for all.
It is time that scientists should learn to discriminate between what helps life and what destroys life. Just because of their salaries and comforts they should not go on like slaves and robots, working for war and a destruction which is unprecedented.
The scientist has to become a revolutionary too. He has to be a spiritual seeker first, and second he has to be a revolutionary.